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Falassarna Beach

12 kilometers to the west of Kissamos is Falassarna. Due to its beaches and ecological significance, Falassarna is one of the most well-known tourist sites in Crete. Due to the diversity of its flora and fauna as well as its exceptional natural beauty, Falassarna is included in the Natura 2000 network.

Balos Lagoon

17 kilometers to the northwest of Kissamos is where you’ll find the renowned Balos lagoon. Balos is well-known for its turquoise waters, unspoiled wilderness, and exquisite unique scenery.

Elafonisi Beach

A little islet called Elafonisi (or Elafonissos) is connected to the rest of Crete by a thin reef that can be crossed during calm seas. Elafonisi boasts a gorgeous beach with pink coral sand and clear waters that is similar to a tropical island paradise.

Kedrodasos Beach

Amazing beach Kedrodasos lies 76 kilometers southwest of Chania. The beach is lined with cedar trees and sand dunes, giving it a completely distinct feel from the other beaches in Crete.


Kissamos (or Kasteli) is 36 km east of Chania and has about 5000 inhabitants. The beauty of Kissamos is that although it is a Greek town devoted to tourism, it does not rest on its laurels.

Monastery of Parthenos

On a small hill in Kissamos, the monastery of Parthenos is a nunnery devoted to the Life-Giving Spring (Zodochos Pigi).
It was established in 1905 and updated in 1962.

Mavros Molos beach

The beach at Mavros Molos is right in front of Kissamos.
There have been discovered remnants of the ancient port of Kissamos on the long bay known as Mavros Molos.
The majority of swimmers in the region frequent this beach, which serves as Kissamos’ principal beach.

Kissamos Fort

The first fortress of Castelli was built on the site of ancient Kissamos in the early 13th century by the Genoese pirate Enrico Pescatore. When the Venetians exiled Pescatore, the fortress became their property. They then restored it and turned it into a military defense center for the area.

Discover Kissamos


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